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What You Need to Know

Do you offer medical advice or diagnoses? 

I do not perform any medical examinations or procedures of any kind on the birthing person or newborn. I also do not provide any medical advice on feeding, illnesses, or possible medical conditions. I will always defer you to your pediatrician or give you a referral to a specialist. 

Are you going to force me to breastfeed? 

I am pro-nourishment. If you choose to chest-feed, bottle feed, formula feed, or a combination of all three I support your choice, and will not force you to go down a path that you are not comfortable with!

What is your opinion on bedsharing? 

While I respect all parenting styles, I follow the current American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for safe sleep. If your family chooses to use a family bed, or would like to continue bedsharing with your infant, I will not be a good fit for you. 

What is your stance on sleep training?

I firmly believe that sleep is complex, and requires more in-depth observation to create a plan that will produce desired results. Looking at daily schedule, sleep associations, and sleep environment all play a part in which sleep training method I choose to use with your family. 

Do you use extinction/CIO?

I have used extinction before, but I will never force you to use a method you are uncomfortable with. That being said, extinction can work for some families, and has proven to have no ill effects on children or their attachment to their caregivers. You can read more about that study here: CIO and Attachment

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