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From the first moment I met Victoria, I knew she would be a powerful ally on my journey into parenthood, and throughout our time together she constantly went above and beyond in supporting my new family.  I knew this transition would not be an easy one, but I'm not sure I could have done it without Victoria holding my hand!  Her overnight support allowed me and my husband to gather ourselves and regroup once a week in the midst of newborn chaos.  Imagine getting six hours of sleep with a newborn AND waking up to a clean kitchen!  My baby loved her too.  Any time I handed her off to Victoria she was instantly calm, and I rested easily knowing she was in caring hands.  But Victoria's true super power is that she is a font of empathy.  As a first time mom, she is the person you want on the other end of the phone when you feel overwhelmed in a haze of sleep deprivation and postpartum hormones and you start to wonder if you can hack this motherhood thing after all.  Hiring Victoria was the single best investment I made as a new parent, and I would do so again 1000 times over.

Luci Disano

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